A few strike pay questions answered (from the FAQ sent out by HQ yesterday). More FAQs on strike pay on the Strike Pay page I just created (under list all pages). Note that now they are going to bring the cheques around to the gates on Fridays, Mondays and Tuesdays.
Q. How often do we get paid?
A. The strike pay week is from Monday to Friday. Pay for picketing in a given week will be ready for pick-up on the following Friday.
Q. How do I get my cheques?
A. Cheques will be delivered to your picket line on the following Friday of your pay week at each shift. Cheques left over will be delivered on the Monday and Tuesday following that Friday. After that, cheques will be available at the strike head quarters.
For those who are on alternate duties, cheques can be picked up at the strike head quarters located just east of the York campus at: 635 Petrolia Rd, Toronto On, M3J 2X8
Q. What if I can’t come to the office to pick up my cheque?
A. Under serious circumstances where members will not be able to pick up cheque(s) in person we will mail them out. Please email your address/contact details to: moc.liamg|3093yapekirtS#moc.liamg|3093yapekirtS